Frequently Asked Questions



Each course includes a different number of lessons. The duration of the courses, therefore, varies. Students may also pause the video and resume watching it at their convenience and watch every lesson as many times as they want. Each student will thus spend a different amount of time on a course.

You will be eligible for one-year access to the course you have completed. You may also take more courses at the Academy100.

As all lessons are accessible during your membership period, you may study at your pace and at any time. You may also learn with other traders if you find collaborative learning more rewarding. Thanks to our cutting-edge software, the trading program at the  Academy100,  enables traders to discuss projects and learning materials with their peers and share knowledge with instructors and other traders.

You may always discuss your financial and professional goals with the  experts. They will help you choose the most suitable course on offer. During the course, you will also receive professional materials about trading platforms based on your country of residence.

You will receive timely answers to all your questions and queries. The Academy100 team of experts is devoted to molding you into a more professional trader and will always make an effort to answer your questions clearly and in detail.

Our trading program provides the complete knowledge of trading you need to succeed. You have unlimited success to comprehensive training resources and webinars hosted by professional, seasoned trading experts. Our trading specialists will help you explore the workings of the financial markets during open office hours, one-on-one conversations, and module-based group discussions.